Đo đạc địa chính - Khảo sát địa hình - Scan 3D laser

construction survey


Trusted Partner

We always strive to build a reputable brand, bringing confidence and satisfaction to customers in each service that BVU provides.



Đo đạc địa chính - Khảo sát địa hình - Scan 3D laser

Understand relevant regulations

In-depth understanding of land law, investment law and laws related to construction survey: including geological, topographical and hydrological survey in the steps of investment project formulation to 1/500 approval

Đo đạc địa chính - Khảo sát địa hình - Scan 3D laser

Skilled personnel

BVU’s staff has had experience in implementing many topographic survey and measurement projects for many projects in civil field, real estate, industrial zones.

Đo đạc địa chính - Khảo sát địa hình - Scan 3D laser

Quality control and technical improvement

Modern equipment and applying production-grade quality control bring high accuracy and stability for many projects. Besides, the technology is constantly improving to bring more added value to customers.