Measuring the current status for land clearance works in Long Khanh, Dong Nai
Hop Nhat Bach Viet contractor performed the curent status measurement for land clearance works in Long Khanh, Dong Nai. Scope: 10km along the road.
Measure to widen roads for land clearance works.
The measurement complied with the state regulations on cartography according to Circular 25/2024/TT-BTNMT.
Used equipment: electronic total station.
The current measurement data is edited on Microstion.
Some pictures of land clearance measurement in Dong Nai

More: đo đạc hiện trạng GPMB
The results of the current status measurement were approved and checked by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province.
Handover documents include:
- The current status map
- Land plot measurement excerpt.
- Excerpt from technical dossier of the land plot.
- Description of the land plot boundaries.
- Other documents as prescribed.