Measurement and completion of 186 villas in Camellia Garden
Hop Nhat Bach Viet Co., Ltd performed measurement and completion of project Camellia Garden in Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh city. Scope: 186 villas, townhouses.
The purpose of measurement and completion of the villas in Camellia Garden
For inspecting the present condition of the project.
Creat as-built drawing for issuing house ownership certificate of the villas of the project.
Measure the present condition by Leica Disto
Measurement was performed by land management engineers and surveyor map engineers of Hop Nhat Bach Viet.
Used equipments: Laser meter Leica, electronic total station, metallic tape and tape-measure.
Execution time: 30 working days.
Handover products: housing land diagrammatic sketch for issuing house ownership certificate (land and assets attached to land).
Some pictures of measurement in the field of project Camellia Garden

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